Combines Question NDDan


They come from me. I have them built at local machine shop. Standard set sells for $450. Some guys have installed two standard sets. Haven't found a crop that it don't work well in. A guy can even install more sets if he wants for the easy to thresh crops hard to convey crops. We designed for edible beans where you like to run 200 to 250 cylinder RPM. Just ends up they help a bunch in a great variety of crops. Get me your email and I'll get some pictures to you. Have a good one.


Dan would like to see pictures also. How will they work in soys (green stem) and corn.


This is where they shine. Green stem beans, edible beans, crops that require slow cylinder speed to prevent damage to seeds, crops where straw breaks up to much with cylinder speeds needed to get seed out of head, crops where straw is tough enough and starts to roll and trap seeds before separation is complete. Some guys running two sets even in 200bu corn reporting much less broken cob which ends up hard to keep out of bin. Many more machines will be running corn shortly for first time with sweeps and soybeans went great. I'm hearing some great things on CDF and Bison also. As time goes on there will be some reports on head to head comparisons. I hope everyone that wanted pictures have received them. Have a good day


I have two in a r72 with fast pitch helicals on concave side and seperater concave smoothed over. Combined sunflowers the other day, rotor at 240 rpms whole heads came out clean, did a great job,Dale


Sounds good Dale. A guy up north of you called today. He has rotor that Garrison dealer set up with sweeps last fall. He went a little further than you on deagressiveing concave and seperator grate. Concave and seperator 75% smoothed over. He is traveling as fast as the header and or chopper will take it with 240ish RPM. Cutting 27' of stalks very low and yeilding about one ton of oils. Basically zero loss, bin perfect, only dust coming off shoe with wind at 1.5. I suggested he could set up more like yours and leave it for all his crops. I think he'll just enjoy what he has for now and try some confections soon to see how they go. Thanks for report. Have a good one.