Combines questions about the 500 series and walker combines


The 500 series are arested (in france) and for the CF most dealer Case ih don't Know if the CF would be made. The same sure combine case ih in france is the axial flow. I have seen the CF 80in corn It's made a good job but it's more pulley and cord belt. I think It'is better than a TX 68 and the inside is comparable. (Case) has just The CT combine in conventionnal combine who is a sure combine for the instant excuse me for the english


These combines are a product of Former East German company Forschitt which Case took over in the mid 90's. I have a friend who was employed by Case in the UK and Ireland demonstrating these machines. He dreaded it as they were not fit for UK conditions The CF 80 he initially had was arolling disaster area and did little favours for Case. However he did a good job selling axial flows. I would think these will be phased out and replaced by the CT models as these are well respected in there dare I say it New Holland colours. It is about time Case had a decent conventional the last half decent one was the 915 Cheers for now BB