Combines R 42 grain loss from rotor


Very first thing is make sure engine rpm is right.Make sure feeding is steady. Make sure concaves are clean of cob from last year if you have narrow space wires. Run concave about 3_8 to 1_2. Start between 700-800 rotor speed. Remember the discharge area is small compare to other makes and models. Refer to the chart in op manual to see what you are really losing.


How do you know what the concave spacing isIJ Is there a way to derive it from the numbers on the sideIJ Or do you just measure the clearance between the concave and rotor barsIJ Thanks, Ryan.


The space between the wires or round rods. Older concaves have 1_2" Current production have 3_4". This gives more room for crop to get out of concave


The numbers on the gauge are a little confusing. What I was told was that GENERAllY speaking one mark is 1_16 of an inch. So "4" would be 4_16 or 1_4 of an inch. That said the best way to measure the clearance is to open the rotor compartment door and measure from the crown of the rotor bar to the concave bar. Make sure to center a cylinder bar on a concave bar to get an accurate measurement. Hope this helps.