The rock door hump kit will for one thing make your combine worth more for trade in, but thats not the most important part. The rotor doesnt rumble nearly as bad with the hump kit in wet beans. It just eats them up, I just cant imagine not having a rock door, or the hump kit as far as that goes. We run our cylinder 400 or so, but we also took every other row of bars out this year and we find absolutely nothing coming out of the rotor, mostly its a try and see situation. You have to understand, Gleaner builds a universal machine that operates well in all crops and conditions if set properly. Some of the guys out here like to Hot Rod there machines to get maximum capacity from certian crops. Some of the things ppl do to these machines take a lil bit of work, but like I said they do it to maximize capacity in various crops such as corn and beans. Im not saying taking out every other row of bars will work for everyone, it just worked for us and when we go back to wheat we will install the other bars for a more aggresive thrash. I can see how the Hyper Mods would be a great deal for the corn and bean producer, Im not sure how it will work in wheat and milo though. This is the main reason we havent Hypered yet, we raise some wheat and occasionally milo which require alot of thrashing compared to corn or beans.