Combines R 72 Are you thereIJ


Hello yes I am here. I have been really bussy this year with combing and chopping silage. We have done some mods to the feeding on dads 72 as well as one of mine and left one of mine alone for a test machine. On dads we added puck board(the white slippery board used in hockey rinks),mine we added stainless steel to it. We also added a new machine to the outfit we picked up a 04 75 this brings us up to four gleaners and a class chopper so we are really busy right now. R72


R72 I believe you are the guy who upped the 72 to 400 or better horsepower, if so how is that machine running and have you done anything else other than the puck board to help increase the feeding of that machineIJ WE just got a 72 to replace one of our 62's and did the rotor mods to both and what smooth machines but its much easier to plug the feeder on the 72 because engine has plenty left so we are trying to run to power, if that feeding capacity could be improved wow. I am leary of maxing out the slip clutches because I dont want to bust feeder shafts all the time and sometimes slipping up front can save some hassles farther back.


Yes I am that guy. I have added power feeder chains and smoothed out the feeder as to what dan has told me they do. We run 42 foot HB heads as well as running 60 feet of barley and flax. I have my slipp cluthches tight and well looked after. I have never broke a feed shaft yet. My dad machine has the cat in it and it has been running smoothly, blew a cyclinder belt this year the first major break down in 2.5 yrs. R72


R72 what are these power feeder chainsIJ I have have never heard of them before. Thanks.


Good to hear from you R72. How's the feeding goingIJ let me know what all you did and maybe we can give you more if you need it. Keep up the good work.


Hello all sorry have not got back to you been bussy chopping corn and trying to combine. The feeder chain looks like a big "Z" and realy grabs the crop and pushes it into the cylinder hard. Dan I have nothing in the feeder house that will catch any crop, any bolt head has been smoothed out. R72