Combines R 72 grain tank extensions and their capacitiesIJ


Maurer is 360 without or 400 with the tip ups.It is lower so now we can drive right into the quonset without folding any thing down.Pro: the grain flows out farther in all directions rather then having to push it up higher so your bin auger and tube will last longer and easier on elevator chain.Con: It is a little harder to climb into the tank.You can see them at


why add something gleaner didn't come with, hard on hyro, axles, my two cents worth


Didn't have very good luck with a Maurer extention, one tire was always squattin the bin didn't fill equally on each side, 1998 r-62, last day of fall harvest, left side a little 0left of the unloader auger swing cylinder, grain puts a big dent in the side of the sheet metal. Delays us can't cut as much. For a 62, 800 radials, don't like 360 bushel. Wish we just had 300 like the rest of our machines. Good luck


Radials might be the wrong tire. Tire repair man here said his most frequent service calls for failed tires were radials on combines. Are you running singles or dualsIJ


Single 800 Radials, that is what came with the combine, and I don't know if they were big enough to hold all of the bushels in the bin or not, the one was always squatting on the side that filled up faster. And then the trouble happened, not sure what we are going to do, probably just fix it and not fill it up as much anymore.


Make sure the tire pressures are the same. Park on a level, flat hard surface, now measure from floor to rim, either top or bottom lip. Compare to other side. My guess is your low side will be the side you're having problems with. When plowing the furrow wheel should have 4 psi more pressure. Personally, I would increase pressure on my "low" side. Side wall flex from low pressure is a greater risk than 4 psi over inflating. Do you have a friendly neighborhood tire repairmanIJ They're usually quite helpful. As to overfilling, yes in my experience increasing the height the elevator has to push the grain the more strain it puts on the elevator drive. Shorter chain life, broken shafts, distorted elevator heads, you get the idea.