Combines R42


Right now I have all my crops custom harvested and can't help but wonder if I could do it cheaper_faster with my own machine. I also forgot to mention the R42 would need to be 4wd. Thanks, and Merry Christmas everybody


Farmboy, figure out what it will cost you to own and operate the machine. For yearly cash flow I figure the principal and interest payments, interest on the money you have already paid on the machine, your extra fuel costs (1-1.5 gal. per acre maybe),and repair costs (guess 6-8 per acre depending on crops and conditions). For tax purposes, the depreciation will offset the principal payments somewhat. Don't forget you may need an extra person to replace what you previousl did with the custom cutter. Of course, these costs may also be balanced by getting the job done when you want it done, how you want it done, and not when the custom cutter can get there. The machine should be able to easily handle 6-700 acres depending on your crop mix and length of harvest season. I cut around 550 soys (20'),450 corn (6-30) with an R50 quite easily. More if deer hunting didn't get in the way. Check out a 50,or 52, same basic machine, but more engine. You may also be able to do some custom cutting yourself, though I sometimes question the economics of this due to the care some customers put into their crops-lotsa weeds. Good luck, Rob.


You can't stop it all. No machine can. look at hyper mods, follow the steps. Adding the retarded bars to the sep cage floor helps more than anything we have found, especially over installing reverse bars that really take HP. The most important thing is how much loss do you actually have. All of the header width comes out a 12" slot. That is a lot of grain in a small area that looks mouch worse than it is. Follow the loss guide in the op man to see how much you actually have.. If one can stay at 1 to 2 % loss that is way above the average joe.