Canola is out west of me but I think a main idem is present to combine the best you can. I think most canola is swathed at just the right time to prevent over rippening of seeds. Some will roll it over and then staight cut when dried down. Don't know if you can spray to kill. The more hyperized the better. You don't want to break up straw to much. Sweeps or smoothening over seperator grate will further reduce busted up straw. Accelerator rolls need to be very good. I've heard it works very well to have front few louvers of chaffer cut loose and run wider. Some guys have installed what they call canola board. That is a panel fastened to back of chaffer and tilted back a bit. I believe these have been in range of 3" to 4" tall. Maybe not needed at all if you prevent busting up straw to much. Maybe someone can help with just when to kill and how straight cutting goes!!!!