Combines R52 Bearing NoiseIJ


Quite common in the older or high hour Gleaner clutches and even on the l2's thresher shafts. Characterised by a loud howl from the clutches or even the main shaft bearings can be effected. Caused by balls in the bearing races either vibrating microscopic pits or depressions in the race when not rotating such as in transport over long distances or sometimes minute areas of corrosion between ball and race from sitting in one spot too long in storage. Its called" Brinelling Corrosion." The balls, starting from the microscopic pits, wear a pattern in the bearing races like a badly corrugated road, hence the howl when running. looks a bad job to do but in the usual Gleaner fashion is a fairly straight forward bearing replacement. We got caught once when we changed the main clutch bearings in our R62, much earlier than we thought we should have and then when nothing changed, the howl continued, discovered it was in the header electric clutch bearing just in front of the main clutch. Our neighbour has had the main clutch on his R52 machined out to take 2 bearings instead of the single bearing. 30 years ago MF had to replace every ball race in a batch of tractors from the UK that had been shipped to Australia near the ship's engines. The engine vibration had Brinelled every ball race.


I saw one in the shop(Sweet Springs Mo) about a month ago with the same problem.It ground into the main shaft after the bearing went, they pulled the shaft, had it welded and turned back down and replaced the bearings. New shaft is about $800. They said the owner heard the squeek for a couple years before sending for service. Waiting could be expensive if it gets the shaft. No pun intended..........


Does noise go away when separator clutch engagedIJThere are 2 bearings in compound sheave that is driven by engine and drives hydro.These bearings rotate only when separator is off.When clutch is engaged the mainshaft bearings are rotating as well as header drive.If noise goes away when header engaged then bearing in sheave that drves jack shaft is bad.Hope this helps.


If noise goes away with seperator engaged, its likely the bearing in the clutch, actually not to hard to change as long as not worn into housing. basicly take tension off engine, unloader, and hydro drive belts. Next remove clutch wires then remove outer rim of bolts and outer unload drive pulley will come off, then remove large nut and first clutch plate (splined),then Main hub assembly should pull off may need to wiggle and pry a bit. The bearings should drive out from opposite ends with a spacer in between. There was an update to machine the outer bearing slightly deeper and put in a wave washer to stop the bearing from moving if yours has this and the bearings have 2 grooves with o rings on them the bearing should just about slide in with no orings, inner bearing is smooth on outer rim and presses in, if so new bearings are all you need, if not and you have the time get the pulley machined out and do the update, it seems to work. If pulley is worn out it can be machined out and a sleeve put in its cheaper than welding it up and machining or a new one. Reassemble in reverse order. Did this to our 96 R-62 this fall took about 45 minutes to dissasemble had to put in a sleeve as bearings had been intalled end for end pounded out pulley so after machined took about an hour to put back together. Biggest hassle is pulley is heavy and a second set of hands to remove and install is a great help.


Inner bearing in pulley seems to have half or less life than others. Wave washer didn't help dramatically. We finally found a bearing with same inner and outer diameter but is another third wider (10mm wider). Two rows of balls in it. Plenty of room to mill housing to accept it. Had spacer shortened the 10mm. Very easy to do and will likely stretch bearing life by at least double. Will know more after another season on machine. We found double row look alike for the old N series and it sure seems to stretch life on them. Trouble with that bearing is we couldn't find one with seals so the guys have to grease regularly and most of us know how much people love to operate grease guns. Number of wider bearing for the R40 threw R75s is 5210 KZZA (BCA is the brand). Have a good one.