Combines R60 and field peas


Open the grate. Slow the rotor down maximum. Remove any grate inserts. You may have to slow the clean grain elevator down to avoid splits. It would be best to just do that now and not have to try and roundup the pulleys during harvest. I think Agco has an expensive kit or you can hunt up some different size pulleys for less. It is also advisble to trim and or position all augers so that they are 3_8" off of the bottom of slide surfaces. Don't try to make split pea soup during harvest. Some varieties are worse than others. Also harvest one day before the crop is ready to avoid splits and shatter. If harvesting Standups wait till vines are dry or the chopper makes rope.


looking back a bit it looks like you got an '89 which would extremely good chance of having the P1 system. If your lucky someone has allready shimmed helicals (stacked) and added green stem kit or maybe even they have replaced the flat iron helicals with channel iron helicals. From what I can find the peas will be very similiar to edible beans. I would highly recommend a helical bar inspection and or upgrade depending what you find. Helicals need to keep the straw moving at very low cylinder speeds without any roping. Roping will cause huge problems if gone unchecked and damage the seeds. Next if you are flowing the straw nice you may be able to get by without a full set of accelerator rolls. If peas are as tender as some edible beans at a very very dry state the accelerator rolls can toss them down to hard which can split them. On a P1 we remove all the paddles on the rear tube and leave the front on. Moonshine has explained some good ways to be very easy on the crop after the rolls. It makes all the difference how tender the bean or pea is as well as the moisture level you can get them off at. As long as you are prepaired you will be able to do this stuff as needed quickly. Good luck