Combines R62 in corn


how is it set up, high wire thresher grate,high wire sep grate, 3_4" bars, extended barsIJ If so it is partially "hypered" from the factory over they early R series. Also proves what we always said, they are great right out of the box in most conditions. For those areas where the conditions are super tough, that is where the little things done to increase flow through the cylinder start to make a difference.


We ordered high wire sep and tresher grate and extended bars. Not sure on the bar hieth. We did not get however the extended bars. It also has two sets of revers bars, One in the third position and one in the fourth. Could not ask for a better machine in corn. We will probably extend the bars for bean harvest and do some work on the helicals. Thanks to everyone's efforts Gleaner continues to be the best choice for our operation. Do you know what the deal is on the dual spreaders tbranIJ Factory rep says 2002 should not have them because the chaff spreader blows directly onto the right spinner.