Combines R72 Rotor Cage upgrades


We try get out custumers to change gearbox oil ever year or two and use synthetic. Upgradeing with the extended bars will surely reduce stresses. I don't believe Gleaner started offering extended bars until '99. We made our own before that and loewen has the lookalike. loewen also offers the full length rasp which will help your extended helical spread material accross discharge area and feed chopper more even. We go with half the bars extended to discharge and half all the way. Most important is to get bars extended to discharge one way or the other. If you have low narrow wire front half of concave you may want to take the opertunity to remove half the wires. If you remove the wires be sure to plug the exposed holes. We sure to extend third helical from gearbox accross feeder opening without getting it into the flow coming from feeder. Also I would go ahead and remove every other wire from seperator grate if you have the low narrow wire and be sure to plug the exposed holes. Hyper has been cutting every other cross bar loose and sliding back as opposed to leaving every other wire out. Don't know how hyper stands on that now. You've seen all the talk on half height bars and or disrupter lugs and I havn't toyed much with either. I do know that less bars or half height reduces broken cobs. There are guys that like the results of Sunnybrook gen 2 and or St. Johns full length six bar rotor with sweeps. We're seeing good results with our sweeps on standard extended bar rotor. Some guys are replacing seperator grates with cage material and some are building up the wires nearly flush with side bars with great results. The main thing is you get them helicals extended, get excess wires out of concave and or grates, and extend them cylinder bars. Good luck


We've been using the plastic plugs from Gleaner for a long time. Before they had them we used 1_4" bolts and nuts with flat washers. I've seen tack welded in rivets, liquid steel or plastic, and a couple other methods but have stayed with Gleaner plugs for the most part. Take care.