My 1982 N6 hyperized and the neighbors 1996 R62 out perform the neighbors 9750STS but then so does his Case 2388. But then he can't get the JD to last 1_2 day without a service call or a ride back to the dealers for several days. And we had 4 STS Deere's last fall that couldn't finish harvest and were stranded in the corn and soybean fields within view of I-80 in central Iowa for weeks to months. That's a good showing for Deere quality in Iowa, the home of JD. Seeing more lexions and Gleaners showing up in the area yards the summer and fall. Case is holding their own! Could that mean that JD is losing their market shareIJ Cousin who has had JD combines for 30+ years traded the first week of August for his first Gleaner. Mainly, he wanted Rotary and wasn't going to go thru the problems the neighbor has had with his 9750STS, Gleaner was the next closest dealer, going from 4 miles to 18 miles for a dealer. Must be something to change a 30 year Deere man! His dad had had a Gleaner when he was a teenager. He makes the 8th convert in 2 years from green to silver in our community.