Combines Ray Stueckle s books


I read Ray's books several years ago when my Pa bought them. If memory serves me, his theories seemed to make sense - at least for the Gleaners. I do, however, tend to think the fellers right here on Gleaner Talk Show have these Silver Wonders figgered out even better though. Rotaries hadn't been out that long when Ray wrote his books where the guys right here have many years experience with these machines. My 2 cents -


I remember Ray talking about Gleaner rotary in the early '80's at a seminar. He said he didn't know the capacity of the shoe for he hadn't got close to testing it's full potential. If there had been more Gleaner fans in the croud he probabally would have tiped us off on needing higher helicals and maybe even had hypers hi-low bars in mind. Yea I think he had a good mind for what it takes to make a combine work. I bet he would be proud of how some of these Gleaners are working. Have a good one. Dan


If anyone's interested, his books are available at http:__www.rhmachine.com_publication.html