Combines rear feed drum


The 7" drum gives the most capacity. Some feel the smaller radius does not transition as well. When possible WE use the 7" drum with success. Depends on conditions. Also the bigger the drum the longer the theoretical life of the chain(IJ) unless slugging stretches and overcomes the pin wear. So this didn't tell you much huhIJ


I vote 7". I don't think the slight more flex going around the slightly smaller drum will make a noticable difference. The 7" with W-rings would run closer to 8" where chain runs anyway and that is what Gleaner has used for back chain forever. I like the 7" for it gives me more room under chain and I can allways just shim drum pad stops to limit movement anywhere I want. Don't think corn or edibles require anything to special for a drum but it sure looks promissing for the posi-feed drums in wheat. Just getting going with them and boy are they getting tested. Cutting 70 to 100bu. wet straw and wheat right on the ground . Take care


It's good to know you guys are getting on well with the posifeed roller it's interesting to hear your thoughts on the diameter of the posifeed I have found that the bigger dia gives better better action. The one in ROM'S R62 is 8"3_4"DIA I made some for R52 at 6" they worked OK we then made some at 8" 3_4" and that was a big improvement again.We are now making some at 7"1_2" to see how they go this season.


I understand what your saying about more action with the larger drum but that will limit how far drum can raise. Maybe don't matter as long as the drum can come up some. I like slats to clear floor by something in the 3" range when floated all the way up. We'll see how it goes if we could just keep harvesting. Catch ya later.