G'Day Dave Our crops down here are harvested dry! so what I say might only be as good as a skunk in the back shed!!!! But we have taken our front and rear stripper bar out and have never look back, that in wheat, barley, lentils, canola, linseed, canary seed, fenugreek which can be tough as nails to process. There have been a few bent arms that attach to the rear feed drum that's there to keep the chain tight, is one of them bentIJIJIJ also we have a cage recurculation bar in just attached to the top of the opening of the cage feeder house inlet, (I think I have a picture of it let me know if anybody want's one, I might send it to T langs upgrade site.) We got this one from a AGCO upgrade brochure here in Oz, and I think it helps in keeping material moving around the top of the cage just in front of the feeder opening, it's been there for over four years now can't tell you if it's made much difference but it might help! Rolf