Yes we tried it in an R-72. It worked great in soybeans but increased rotor loss in corn. I had heard that it was supposed to work especially well in corn, but it didnt for us. Our best guess as to why the increase in rotor loss was that the blanks allowed the corn material to fall away from the cage and not get separated from the trash. We replaced the bars and the loss was gone. Note this was done on a Hyperized R-72 not a stock machine, so your results maybe different. We had removed every other row of bars in the sep. side. The bars that we had removed were the low bars. I was really surprised that the low bars made any difference. Im still puzzled as to why it didnt work for us while it has in some stock machines. I know Keller has done this with success to many machines. looking forward to our combine clinic Thursday, ours isnt with Keller though.