Combines Removing Rock Trap and Feeder House


James, I have never tried pulling trap along with feeder, maybe someone who has can tell you better than me. To pull the feeder, I have found that a set of pallet forks under the top plate of the feeder works well. Pull hydraulic_ electrical connection pack off of left side and lay it back on tire, take feeder drive belt off, take reverser chain off there is probably a potentiometer or two that will need disconnected, don't forget springs on the bottom feedr door.(they only spring so far,personal experience!) Then pull your two big pins at the hinge as well as cylinder pins and you should be free. If you have field tracker you will need to unhook the hydraulics for that as well. Once the feeder is out of the way you will have more room to get at rock trap. Two big bolts plus a row top and bottom. If its never been off you will probably curse the bottom row! While everything is apart you will want to check feeder drive shaft bearings, ROCK BEATER BEARINGS!, feeder_ rock trap seals, etc.... Have fun!


We just removed the feederhouse and rocktrap from our 2388 yesterday. Took them off as 1 unit. Basicly did it the same as PA harvestor except instead of removing the pins from the feederhouse we took out the bolts that hold the rocktrap to the seperator. Fortruck under the front and chain from ft mast to the top of the feederhouse. We're puttting a AFX rotor in our 2388 and while we had the fh off we replaced all the bearings in rt, upper feederhouse bearings and new upper sprockets. Glad we did because we found a rt bearing that wouldn't have lasted 30 acres.