Combines request for combines and training in operating the combines


Basha: There are several dealers who would sell you a combine, train you , and set up machine for Rice, wheat and cereal grains such as milo. There is one problem here. There is no COMBINE which will 'pluck' or 'pick ' cotton. This takes either a Cotton Picker or a Cotton Stripper. email us to get you in touch with an Agco corp. type person to help you out. I will work on the cotton thing... never thought of that before.. hey HYPER and co. have I got a challenge for us or what!...


Tbran, You may have something here!I think with a little fine tuning,we could make and embroider our own jackets as the combine rolls through the cotton field.This would eliminate the middleman and we could sell direct.The only thing we'll have to work on is getting the different colors of dyes fed in at the right time.What do you think T.langan,possible..............IJ Hyper Harvest II


oh no. leave lagan out of it. He will get involved in this and never get out a crop. On second thought it might be a better finacial gamble..


If you make a Gleaner strip cotton, I'll marry you MIl and move her to Texas.....or move her So far away you will forget her name!!!!!!!!!!!! HAd a customer cutting some milo next to a cotton field one time and to make long story short, he took a full swath of cotton into the header and slugged her down, broke the cylinder belt, he come to town to get belt leave hired man to clean out cylinder, when he returned to field he found a note frome hired man saying he quit!! I ve got 2 r62, 1 r72, 2 n7 and an l2 sitting ont he lot and all my customers want to do is plant cotton!!!


Hey! I have it figgered out! The Hyper guys can do their thing to the rotor to get that cotton to flow through. The Gleaner will separate the cottonseed like usual - us dairymen use it in cattle feed. The problem lies in getting the cotton separated from the other M.O.G. I say we take the discharge beater out and stick tbran AND his MIl up in there TOGETHER. I bet there would be enough thrashing around in there to separate anything! The ol' side tin would be a shakin' like a burlap bag full of bobcats! You know, the worst part about this whole thread is the risk of Gleaners getting ANOTHER nickname. We already have "Silver Seeders", "Tin lizzies", "Galvanized Wonders", "Tin Sheds", etc, but now we can probably add "Cotton PlUCKERS" to the list! Don't know about the rest of you, but a machine called a "Cotton Plucker" brings to mind something that you can feed cotton OR chickens through - and the end result would probably be the same!! I bet ol' Basha is a scratchin' his head by now!


In my area they voted in the BWEP boll weevil eradication program in to effect. Cost to farmers is $35 an acre for three years. The gins are gonna be sad when they see all that wheat on that cotton ground. The acreage will be half what it was in 2000. I am glad we stopped with cotton back in 97. We went out on top with high yields (over 2 b.p.a.) and good prices.


Yes they voted in the boll weevil erad.. program here to, but I think the price was $12_acer irrigated and $6 dry land...... still they want to plant cotton..... Wher are you IJ I'm in the panhandle of texas.


Maybe were are making this too difficult. We should just round up all the MIl's and send them on a all expense paid trip to our new friend Basha's and he can make cotton pluckers out of them!


You're right, t.leslie! We were planning a very complicated machine here. Almost worthy of a coat of green paint! AlMOST being the key word! Keep it simple - that's what makes Gleaners great combines. The MIl idea is great, but wouldn't we need to send tbran over there too as he was a vital component to the prototype Silver Seedin' Tin lizzie Cotton Pickin' Chicken PluckerIJ If nothing else, when he returned, he could get a job as a male model with the nice tan he'd have.....


I have a feeling after my MIl teaches tbran a few things about chicken plucking and cotton picking he is gonna want get state side and back to work on his sliver "flash" prototype. I am also afraid that if tbran works on it too long we will have a machine that will "bale chickens" and wrap then in a cotton blanket with a gleaner combine embroderd on it!