I am just coming up to 68 years. Often us older citizens cannot understand why the kids don't want to have any thing to do with the type of lifestyle and organisations that we regard as very important to our community and our people. This is one of the mistakes my generation and I guess all the generations before us, have made. We very wrongly assume that the next generation should and will want to carry on the same organisations, clubs, businesses and etc that my generation created and built. This is usually one of the major reasons why there is conflict between different generations. like we were when we were younger, the next generation want to create their own way of doing things and want to create their own organisations and their own way of life. If they are interested in what you do, encourage them and help them but use discretion on how much you help and interfere. In fact, unless it is a serious situation morally or legally, don't interfere! If they are interested in doing something completely different, still do as above. And may my kids forgive me for all the mistakes that I have made that affect their lives. Cheers!