Yea now there is a smart kid!!! Ilovegreen trade that off on an N7 so you can work on it all the time you may have to hire another man and this man should be a diesel mechanic that specializes in Gleaner combines I think one good man could maybe keep up on doing repairs on 1 N7 gleaner well maybe not may have to get him a man too take it from a has been gleaner owner turned John Deere Good luck with the cable
Its not just the old ones that have problems. my 9750 ran out of oil in the reverser and got rather hot which means a whole new one. But as they say "shit happens and stuff breaks
Having owned both a 7720 AND an N6, I couldn't disagree with you more! Although I continue to own one Gleaner (C62),the N6 was the single biggest mistake I ever endured!