I don't know of any crops it will hurt you in. If anyone has had bad experience with it it is surely because they are sending slugs up the feeder or they are tring to get more threw rotor than what your currant rotor helical arrangement will allow. Extending third helical across feeder in large P3 with standard helicals reduced load on feed chain, rock door, and left side of concave to a great degree. Steep pitch thresher side helicals reduced load to a greater degree. I make my own helical extention or purchase the loewen one (which is identical to mine) because the Gleaner one can restrict feed coming up the feeder. I will trim Gleaner one to get out of the way of feed flow and transition that helical as necesary. Helicals and cylinder bars also have to be in good enough condition to prevent material from coming straight around cage and subjecting feed chain, rock door, and concave to a double dose of material. Rock doors used to drive me and my custumers crazy but that was before figuring out what was causing it to open. I think the door with hump installed is the most ideal setup for it gives good portection and you can forget about it until light and buzzer comes on. Many of the guys with sumps either don't know they are there or just will not dump it daily. I have found these rock sumps plump full many times and at that the machine is eating all the rocks. It is good the machine can eat rocks without damage some of the time but then you get that one!!!! Best of luck