Combines Rock trap and reverser chain


I would be interested in using an oiler like that. Who makes and sells it.


CIH now supplies an oiler through there parts system or you can use an oiler that was originally made for round balers.They come with instructions for combines or balers and can be mounted on any combine make or model very easily.They are hydraulic actuated and can be tyed into the unloading auger swing circuit or the separator engagement circuit.They cost between $350-450.


Have had oiler from case round baler on combines since 1996 we oil all the roller chains and also run a line up to the chains that run the corn head and the chain that drives auger on flex head. It works great the resivor sets up by the engine door I just top it up when checking oil in the engine. It is adjustable to how much you want to use . works great would not run a combine without it!