Combines rotor alarm


What combine do you have 16XX 21XX 23XX I can only comment on the 16 series but have you adjusted the min. speed rotor alarm on the pillerIJ If set to high it will go off.


Sorry, I have a 2188. I remeber on my 1660 I could adjust where the alarm came on when switching rotor speeds, but do not remember having to do this on my 2188.


jedeka, how do you adjust when the alarm comes on and off on a 1660, I have that problem with my fan speed.


When you go through programming on the column you can program at what percentage drop in rpms the alarm will go off for the rotor. If you are running a higher rpm in beans the rotor will have to slow down more rpms to set of the alarm than at a slower speed in corn. 10% of 550 is 55 and 10% of 350 is 35 so there is just a little closer tolerance at slower rpms. Your owners manual give the programming procedure. Tango


If you have a 2100 series the software has to be updated before you can adjust the percentage speed drop. We have the original fixed percentage in our 1996 model. I would like to get ours updated, but have no idea how to do it. Anyone know what it would costIJ


Requires a chip change inside the cluster. Don't know the price.


If I remember correctly, there is a knob for both the rotor alarm and fan alarm you can adjust. It has been 4 years since I have been a 1600 series combine. I may still have an operators manual. For the rotor alarm, settrotor to proper rpm. I then turn the knob to the right until alarm goes off and then back off a little. I was thinking there was a knob for both the rotor and fan speed. Maybe someone with a 1600 series will back up or correct my statement.


I have run into this when I decreased rotor speed and did not turn the engine off before going back to the field. It seems that the 21XX and 23XX computers read the rotor speed the first time you engage the seperator after start up and set the alarm levels accordingly. Killing and restarting the machine will reset them to the new speed that you're running.