Combines rotor input shaft coupler

  • Thread starter gleanermanitoba
  • Start date


Yes replace the coupler for sure, the shaft may be ok still. We have done 3 since we started using the N_R series, 2 times only the coupler on the cylinder needed to be replaced, this last time this year we missed it and the splines let go in the feild and ended up needeing new gearbox shaft as well. The new ones are not cheap but better now than a coupler and a shaft during harvest. Due to this and the ease of cylinder removal we began pulling rotor every year to check coupler and you do get a much better lok at rotor than watching while someone turns it over.


SRH, Are the splines worn due to lack of greaseIJ If you have greased the splines at 10 hr. intervals as the operators manual suggests then the splines should show very little wear. How many hours on machineIJ If the rotor coupling has been greased at 10 hr intervals and machine doesn't have a lot of hours then I would suggest checking rotor gearbox alignment. Have replaced 3-4 couplings but have checked gearbox alignment on all of them and had to shim gearbox to get it back into alignment. A lot of machine here running with 4000-6000 hrs. with original coulping and drive shaft and maybe 20-30% wear. Hyper Harvest II


also check the freeze plug installed in the inside of the splines on the cyl. Found one last week off and all the grease was going into the cyl tube.


Also notice that the threads on the coupler are fine thread. Had one that some gorilla air wrenched course thread bolts into. Even Gleaners are not gorilla proof!