Combines Rotor loss In Wheat


Try using case small wire concaves with no cover plates. If those Kucher concaves are what I have seen they are smooth on top and when you put the cover plates on they fill up and you are trying to thrash on a smooth surface. The case concaves will make the straw and grain churn and help seperate.


Do you have all 4 straight separator bars on the back half of the rotor, or just 2IJ I would get all 4 on there in the factory position for a grain rotor. I'm not familiar with the Kucher grates, but if they are smooth on the inside like the CIH slotted grates I would try the CIH keystock grates. The ribs on these roll the material to help with separation. Any idea how much grain is coming out the rotorIJ


As Tank commented -- Kuchar grates are basically slick on top and won't retard for thresh correctly in small grains. Best thing to do is replace them with concaves which have crossbars -- Kuchar grates also usually won't whitecap, or if they do, it will be very little. Suggest you at least try removing the filler plates. The angled area between bar mounts on Gorden rotor bars will throw material to the rear too quickly, and this compounds the lack of resistance of the Kuchar concaves. You've also negated most control of the flow given by vane settings. I'd suggest that you at least remove every other Gorden bar and replace them with standard pucks. You'll still have some feeding from the Gorden bars in order to move material, but the standard bars will provide some agitation of MOG and vanes will have more effect. Not familiar with round bar separator grates, but as Farm Kid points out, IH keystocks with their square corners are likely to provide better retardation to the MOG and cause it to tumble for separation. It appears that your machine is actually set up for high volume heavy material as opposed to wheat, etc. Hope this helps.


I have all 4 straight bars on the back. The grates in the back are a round bar rib type, probably better then the CIH factory ones. Maybe I'll try to slow vanes down a bit, some whitecaps in sample. I think the real fix would be to take the Kucher concaves out( to smooth on inside ) and replace them with factory large wire concaves and run the cover plates. Have to find a solution soon.


If I take cover plates off, will I not get more whitecaps, or should I just take the one off that is on n2 concave. It's only half covered up.


You already have gotten some good ideas so only wanted to suggest before experimenting with possible solutions that you try to get a good idea if the rotor loss is more from inadequate separation of grain from the MOG or if some grains remain unthrashed and are carried out with the heads until the beater _chopper knocks them loose.A kill stall would possibly give some useful information, but if you are uncomfortable as I am in using that method ,a very detailed search for unthrashed grains in the heads of wheat behind the machine will also help you to pin point the cause. Then you will be able to work on whichever half of the rotor is causing the problem.Not being in the field only leaves us the SWAG method but think you will solve this by working in the concave area of you combine.


Steve: My Grain Scan Monitor is telling me the loss is definetely coming from the rotor. Good thought on the part about the chopper knocking them loose. Haven't decided yet what I am going to do to fix this.


Just curious, did you make all the changes to the combine, and how much money do you have in the conversionsIJ I'd say to put 3 keystock grates in it and see what happens, this is a fast and easy change. Where you atIJ Sounds like the wheat is really yielding, ever think about heading it and coming back in with a haybine if you want the strawIJ


I bought the combine with some of these things in it and added some myself. I am in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. I would put keystocks in but these grates I have are actually more agressive then keystocks so I tend to believe that is not my problem, thanks.