Combines rotor loss with cdf


There is an issue with some of the impact pads if they have 2003 written on the back. Is this a r65IJ I have no issues with rotor loss (actual) with the new rotor and steep pitch and an 8 row head (r65). It could be you are running the rotor too slow. Pulling the grate up will help. Are you putting alot of trash thruIJ


I have rotor loss sometimes (r75) in high moisture corn due to shucks and leaves plugging part of my seperator, in the bottom and front section 2nd row of bars in from discharge. Dryer corn with dry leaves and shucks no problem. Rotor speed is 450 and 1.25 on the concave......sep grate on 9 seems to help some. Dry corn leaves and shucks almost no rotor loss (coming from discharge)Slower ground speed helped also


we have a r75 with 12 row headand yes we have a lot of trash because of drought we have tops broken out and corn is only making 80-100 bu. i am having to keep concave closed up a lot to thresh the small ears, but still seem have grain still on cob and hitting spreader. we are finding grains of corn 6 rows over in standing corn not harvested yet. closed sep. grate up to 8 today but didnt seem to help any.


j72, I would up my rotor speed abit unless you are to fast now. I have a rasp bar (similar to the old f2 bar idea) shimmed out above the sep. grate to help tumble the crop and aid in seperation. I will admit I fortunetly have not had to work in a drought crop. When you say you have your concave closed up do you mean at the bottom or topIJ The top should never be tighter then an average shelled cob diameter. The bottom some set at mid position and som set it to near max or any where in between. It is always a crap shoot when the weather dings these crops! Hope this helps.