sure.. It only takes maybe fifteen minutes to do one complete reman on the rotary knife top bolt when you get the procedure down. I did 7 (one for a spare)in an easy morning and was running after dinner when I finally had this braingas. Use a 4.5" grinder with a metal cutting blade to do the deed. Makes a clean strait cut without wearing your arm out. You need to fabricate a couple of spring loaded tighteners for the n60 drive chains that run under the side shields too so you all you have to do is dribble bar_chain oil on them in the morning. Cut a 1" hole over each rotary knife so you can do the same there without having to lift the shields, which makes you much happier. With spring tighteners on every chain_belt, you will probably never replace any of them including the belts. When the belts get real far out, just pull a link. I have never broken one of those and they ran thousands of acres after I figured this all out. Hex shafts and bevel gears are the big weak area here, and cannot be fixed. I was going to get another corn head and reman the thing into a row head since all the gears run in oil and never shell out. I got a drill instead. Not sorry either. good luck.. GS