Combines Running a 750 without the BeaterIJ


I assume you're referring to the front beater that feeds the cylinder, rather than the rear beater that retards the crop heading to the straw walkers. I think you might be able to get along without it, as some Massey combines, like the 510, came standard without this front beater, which was available as an accessory. In the case of the 510 accessory, it did add path length on the way to the concave entrance, so in your 750, your crop may have a problem jumping the gap where the beater used to be. In any case, seeing as you already have it out, it may be worth trying to combine without it, if you don't mind the risk of having to unplug, if things get jamed. The 510 feederhouse had a rattle chain rather than the 750 paddles, so the beater may have evened out the 750's feed. On the other hand, a mangled beater may still be better than no beater at all. The one on my 750 is also somewhat twisted at the ends, with a few bends in between, without apparent problems.


You're correct that I was talking about the beater in front of the cylinder. It was bent so badly that it was beating against other things and making a horrendous racket. So leaving it in place "as is" wasn't an option. Haven't been back out to try it yet - Maybe tomorrow if the remnants of hurricane Rita don't hit us...


It might work, but I think you will have a lot of trouble. There is too large a gap between the feeder house, and the cylinder. You are likely to get a lot of backfeeding. Good luck. Joe