Combines Saw a STRANGE p1 processor setup


loewen manufactures helical channels for both styles for the P1 cage, one that follows the flat bar angle, and one that runs the same angle through both cages. they are used for beans. Dan at Hurtt Implement in Hoople ND can tell you more about them and how they work.


I don't know what you saw. The far right helical in a bean kit would drop first few inches of straw back into feeder area and the rest get it into seperator side. The bean kit is made up of channel bars running the same angle all the way threw cage. The bean kit runs a shallower angle on thresher side and steeper on seperator as compared to original angle of flat iron helicals. Gleaner called it a bean or green sunflower kit when they came out with it in the early '80s but it will work fine in most crops. loewen has a channel iron helical kit that basically matches the pattern of old flat iron helicals including area covered with green stem kit.


I looked at the combine again and I think that the heilcals are out of a P3 processor and were forced in there at a shallow angle. The channels don't sit quite flat on the inside of the cage, so I don't think they are running at the angle that they are supposed to. The far right channel ends up being only about eight inches in on the front side above the feeder opening. lookes like it could get pretty constipated in there! Anyway, thanks for the replies!! Darin