Combines SCH quick cut system


Must have been another Mike as we are contemplating the change to SCH as well. Would like to hear from any who have it. I may try the Case board as in our area the Case folks really push the SCH system. If memory serves me it would cost $2500+_- for a 30 foot head. guards, knife, sections and bolts.


we converted our 324 green stripe on our N7 last summer and all of our bean acres were notill the kit cost us $1300 for a 24' no problems in corn stalks


Kurt, We've never run a SCH but have several neighbors with them. One guy likes his but the others hate that system. They often complain about spearing corn stalks. We run one of our flexes with the clean cut system and the other with the Crary Golden'n Cut system. With the Crary you have the option to run either the small or large sections. If I was to only have one system it would be the Crary Gold'n Cut. Brian