I know we are wandering way off topic for this board, but hey, it's wintertime and the Gleaners are all snug in their sheds. But what do you guys use for trapsIJ I had a schoolmate show me how to trap way back when I was about 10 yrs old - used the old fashioned pan traps. We'd dig the mound out, poke around and find his tunnels, and set the pan trap right in the crossways of his tunnels. Then we'd cover the hole with a board and pile dirt around it to keep light out. Supposedly, the little creep would come a strollin' along and step right in the trap. Then we switched to the Death Clutch trap that you set into an open tunnel. They come along and want to plug the tunnel back up to keep the light out and trip the trap - there were two curved, pointed bars that would snap shut and do him in. They are much quicker to set than the pan traps. We never tried any poisons but heard they weren't very effective. As I said, the gopher problem has subsided, but if I could just find a "cure" for those friggin moles in my yard!