Combines selling out of country


Whitecattlefarmer like you I would be leery also, however if his agent shows up with CASH in hand and a truck to haul it away I wouldn't see a problem. It's when they have a special request or try to write a check is when I would back away. Good luck Merle


Take care it may be genuine as they tend to run some very old machines out there but would it be worth the transportIJ They are famous for scams in that part of the world which starts off offering money but they are looking for account details if they want to pay direct DO NOT SEND THEM ACCOUNT DETAIlS. they are past masters at milking them.I should only take cash.


forget the deal, and if you sent the guy some money better go to the bank and stop payment. A creep from nigeria is scamming all kinds of guys buy sending a forged money order in an amount more than you are asking (maybe a hundred bucks or so) and later asks you to refund the overage and when you do..Poof! You have been scammed. Good luck..GS


The Mexicans come in here, too and buy JD combines. They come with a truck and CASH. You hold the green back in your hand, when the combine is going out the drive way. That's the only way to fly.