Hi there Fan could be out of R series, mine is out of R70 from memory as bearing went and tweaked my fan so got R70 from wreckers .I think my shaft looks tapered but will look at that and measure Dia of pulley for you. On Fan shaft mine has one V groove belt driving it what do you mean by combined pulleyIJ Does it clean OK ,When you back it off does the sample go dirty etc. I think you mean Accelerator roller shafts,The last thing you need is the chain drive Re;timing on them rolls . Gears are a update on earlier machines and dont seem to give any trouble on N's. I think Series three had timing gears Std but cant remember when that update came out. Some one around Griffith NSW i think was making stainless steel accl rolls i think because of the high wear rate in rice .Might have made some steel ones are you sure there not stainless. Rolf and ROM had a set but took them out i think as they were'nt happy with the gap ie' to big compared to std Agco rubber bolt in ones and that was in there later R Machine. I converted mine to the later R shafts with the bolt in Std rubber lugs. They interlock a lot when new like Half an inch and should be replaced Hyper2 says when your index finger goes down to second knuckle which is a fair gap.Check your gap. Worn rollers dont accelerate grain threw wind blast so does'nt separate overloading sieves and then blown over back ,not good but you probaly know that . Bye pengs5