
Hi there Fan could be out of R series, mine is out of R70 from memory as bearing went and tweaked my fan so got R70 from wreckers .I think my shaft looks tapered but will look at that and measure Dia of pulley for you. On Fan shaft mine has one V groove belt driving it what do you mean by combined pulleyIJ Does it clean OK ,When you back it off does the sample go dirty etc. I think you mean Accelerator roller shafts,The last thing you need is the chain drive Re;timing on them rolls . Gears are a update on earlier machines and dont seem to give any trouble on N's. I think Series three had timing gears Std but cant remember when that update came out. Some one around Griffith NSW i think was making stainless steel accl rolls i think because of the high wear rate in rice .Might have made some steel ones are you sure there not stainless. Rolf and ROM had a set but took them out i think as they were'nt happy with the gap ie' to big compared to std Agco rubber bolt in ones and that was in there later R Machine. I converted mine to the later R shafts with the bolt in Std rubber lugs. They interlock a lot when new like Half an inch and should be replaced Hyper2 says when your index finger goes down to second knuckle which is a fair gap.Check your gap. Worn rollers dont accelerate grain threw wind blast so does'nt separate overloading sieves and then blown over back ,not good but you probaly know that . Bye pengs5


You have newer system on right side of fan than your parts manual shows. This is better in that it took power to run fan and shoe directly of main shaft instead of double b belt setup that had a high enough load especialy if equiped with discharge beater in place of chopper. Pengs5 might be right in that that system started with the Rs or it was latest Ns. First Ns came with the chain to drive front accelerator roll. Very short life on regular chain so it was switched up to o-ring chain and then to meshing gears. like Pengs5 suggests the steel paddles are likely from a jobber. I was tempted to use some steel paddles from a C62 on a rotary but remember reading Rolf or ROMs comment on damage to tender seed crops.


Our N7 was an 83 model and had the tapered fan shaft and double B section belt drive for the fan and accelerator rolls. It also had the accelerator rolls that were made from the star type sections of reinforced rubber that were slid over and compressed onto the shafts. The bolt on V shaped roll sections came a year or to later. Usually the early accelerator roll shafts was replaced by the later larger tube shaft with the bolt on sections as it was impossible to replace the rubber stars on the early accelerator roll shafts. The thin folded stainless steel bolt on accelerator roll sections were an Australian innovation but as we discovered, they caused some grain damage on the softer seeds ie; lentils and due to the large clearances around and between the thin blades were not as good at accelerating the grain and therefore there were higher losses out of the sieves. We also tried the much cheaper red coloured plasticised rubber accelerator roll sections but the wear rate on these was far in excess of the standard AGCO sections so we have gone back to using the AGCO sections and switch them around when the first signs of wear appear to get longer life from them. I also converted our N7 from the double V belt fan _ accelerator roll drive to the later single large section fan and accelerator roll belt drive of the later N series. There is room on the back of the main shaft variable sheave to machine a shoulder and press on a large pulley to do this and the mod was quite successful and without any problems for as long as we had the N7.


Thanks guys, I bought my machine second hand 4 years ago and have slowly been finding out that it is highly hyperized. I thought perhaps that this may have been something I had not seen posted before. I will check the accelerator rolls out more carefully. I must say, that the sample I get in wheat is fantastic and the losses are extremely low. I deem myself very lucky to have bought this machine, as everyone around here owns red ones.


Forgot to measure pulley sorry but sounds like you got the right setup . Hmmm i like the sound of that drive ! Does it have the Allis engine IJ Previous owner use to post a bit . He was about a hour south of me. Pengs5


Hi there, previous owner was john bucknell of Cowra. He was the second owner (actually the son of the second owner) and it was previously owned by their neighbours. It has the Allis engine. Yes, john used to post a bit, and that is how I have been able to post, using his nickname. He was very helpful to me when I first bought the machine. If you are only a bit north of me ( I'm at Harden),we must set up a meet sometime. I got the impression you were in Queensland or similar. By the way, john traded for a Case, and in the first year the new machine gave so much trouble they tried to talk the dealer into giving them back the Gleaner. Glad he did not do it.


Bucko I'm at Gooloogong west of Cowra. Yes we'll have to meet some time maybe in a month or so . Pengs5