Oh but I disagree here, let me go on a rant, take a look at Sikeston and the alum gear boxes that go in the Deere grain bin, hopper bottoms that last less than 1000 hours , rock traps that don't, cylinders that snap off tines and take days to pull and repair instead of hours and on and on - what about the engine crankshaft problem - the big 9something liter eng had a rod brg life problem - they cross drilled the crank and changed block casting plants, now the cranks broke - EVERY crank had to be changed, combines, tractors and cotton pickers etc , customers are told they now have a new beefier crank, it is true, they went back to the old non cross drilled crank.... A friend who told this to me is inventory sales mgr for 5 deere stores - he said to the deere customers this is a non event.... if anyone thinks any company is differentIJIJIJIJIJ Deere gets away with what ever thay want to ,,, only class action threats such as the first articulated 75XX 4wd's trannys change their actions in many areas. Finally what about the 9400 combines, we had one in the county that didn't have the power to shell 6 30" rows uphill with a full bin. The service rep from deere came, looked, diagnosed and told him he was expecting too much from the unit. The customer told me in exact words "I showed deere - I traded for a 9500..... " and on and on ad nausium