Combines serial n info for JD combines


Well I will try and help with the info I have.If your serial number is between 666 and 3700 it is a 1970 model. Between 3701 and 7500 it is a 1971. Between 7501 and 11500 it is a 1972. Between 11501 and 105800 it is a 1973. Between 105801 and 156500 it is a 1974. Between 156501 and 206200 it is a 1975. Between 206201 and 254050 it is a 1976. Between 254051 and 304000 it is a 1977. And from 304001 and up it is a 1978 this was the last year of production. Just a word of caution your model may have been built in Dec. of for example 1975 and your dealer would have sold it for a 1976 model because that is the first year it did actual field work. These numbers I have given you would be the serial numbers put on the combine as it was going down the assembly line. Hope this helps you


Thanks to Big Al for the information on serial numbers. Puts mine at a '75. YC


Would like help determining the year of a 7720 by the serial number.


beginningn358901 1979,409101 1980,458401 1981, 507351 1982,556301 1983,600001 1984,610501 1985, 615201 1986,620201 1987,625201 1988,630501 1989. hope this answers your question. AZCUTTER