Combines Setting up for down corn


Sorry, I can't offer to many ideas. But I was wondering what make of extensions you had on the outside rows of your headerIJ We have been trying to find some extensions for the black header but it seems like Gleaner's are a steep price. We were losing some ears over the outside rows of our header. Some of our corn was down pretty good from a earlier storm, what we found was to slow the forward speed down as well as the roll speed to allow the header to get the stalks up straight before ripping them down through the stripper plates. Hope you have a successful finish to your harvest. Dusty.


Kenc I always tipped my head points up so the header was as flat as possible so the corn could slide on. I have seen guys with green head set up a reel on their heads to help push the corn up. They had a piece of small diameter pipe for the center, and added 3-4 foot long fingers to it. Only a couple per row and kindof offset from one another. This was ran with a hydraulic motor from one end. They said it work really good. Good luck with getting the rest of it.


My extensions came on the hugger head when I bought it. I'm sure they are Gleaner. Wait to buy the things, I may sell you mine. I tryed to watch them closely and I think they may be more of a pain in the rear than they are worth. If your guess rows aren't spaced nearly perfect and you have leaning corn, it will drape over and get hung up on the extensions. I was stopping about once a round to clean them off before the storm.


Sounds like you are from SD to. Same problems, but with a green head. Snow, mud, rocks all are a problem. I have been there before, 78, 82, 85, the ice storm of 96. Run low , run slow and work into the lean if possible. Other than that good luck , at least most off yours is still on. PS. Iwoundered about end sheilds also , but they may catch and push. Good luck and Keep the Snow away.