Combines shaft speed sensors


had a l-2, years ago had a lot of sencors go out over the years someone told me it was because I welded on the machine with out disconnecting the battery don't know for sure but had to put a lot of sencors on over the years.


You can test your sensor with on ohm meter, probe both wires and wave a metal object in front of sensor, should make the meter jump up and down.. Be sure to check you clearance between sensor and "flywheel" should be about a coins thickness...


place probes of VOM (needs to read milliamps) set on most sensitive setting, then run a metal object like the head of a bolt RAPIDlY past the sensor head. Meter should read upsale. Unless someone has put excess voltage to the unit or the unit is damaged or the wire is broke at the base of the sensor it is usually good. Since these generate DCV in milli's look for harness connectors that have corrosion or wires that have come out of or are loose in the pins that are in the plastic connections.


I have a problem, when I replaced my cylinder speed sensor it now read double of what the old one read---what is the problem hereIJIJIJIJ Have big pulley on and is read 900 and I have it as slow as it will go.


Being honest, I do not know. However I have had a sensor read 1_2 a couple of times in R50 and R62. That turned out to be a bad connection in the harness 12 pin connector laying on the cab floor in moisture. Cleaned, put in dielectric grease and it read correctly. I understood this as the current dropped. Your double read,,,, I will have to think about that. The only thing I can think quickly of is that there is a short and you are picking up the sensor read somewhere else and adding it to the read. Try this , run separate test wires direct to the module bypassing harness, look in the op man to connect the correct colors; bet it reads correctly now.


You can check sender with ohmmeter also. Should read around 500 ohms with sender unhooked from harness. Sounds like your talking old conventional and they can have chain drive thresher beater. Noisy chain driving beater and for that matter if you had chain drive cylinder and it was noisy it can screw up signal. Grouly bearing can also do it. Don't know how noisy chain or bearing can screw it up but it sure can. Also be sure you have sender centered with the slots as well as close without touching. Good luck


Is there some dirt or grease on the holes in the pickup discIJI think thats how my M acted once,more speed reading than it was.