Combines Shark grate


lD I have run a sharktooth grate in my 1460 with a standard rotor for two years and it helps a great deal with the roping and spreading you are speaking of...material is not chopped as fine as a standard chopper but is shredded as well as cut in smaller pieces so by spring is no problem to plant through...There was a discussion on this site last fall about these ,which may or may not still be available but one thing that i picked up from that thread is that the grate works well by itself but not very well if you have the disrupters installed..


Used a sharktooth shredder in the 1440 this fall. Had it in the rear position to start with but changed it to the mid position because it couldn't clean out as well the other way. Primarily because of the shield over the auger bed shafts, that angle caused too little clearance for trash to fall thru. Also used slotted grates in place of keystock ones. Got that idea from this forum on an earlier post. The idea is to make the shark tooth work harder on it's own, as keystock grates do some stem breaking and can "modify" the straw too much ahead of the shark tooth. I live close to the Hy Capacity plant and one of their guys said remove one each of the "paired" sickle sections on the front or leading side of the shark tooth grate if you have that configuration. Helps with material flow. Also, make sure to have the maize bars installed on rotor above grate area. They have much better "grab" than smooth ones. 700-800 rotor speed helps too. Hope this helps.