Combines Shelled my first field of corn


Sorry to hear that. With price of fuel up and price of corn down, it's a sure loss. So how fast exactly were you goingIJ In your area does corn come off before beansIJ Soybeans and Black Beans will be ready in a week or so. Soybeans could go monday but 2 augers are pulled out of the TR. Take care, Nathan


Where are you located at and is all the crops like this or do they very as here in central Ohio . A couple of miles can make a big differance around here.


We are in West-Central Illinois and have also begun. lG 2540, a 108 day hybrid tested 15%, believe it or not, and yielded 142. That's much better than I expected. We are moving to Pioneer 31G66 next, and it looks to be about half that yield. As mentioned, there is much variability depending on soil types and spotty rains.


You must be in Northern Ill. I have a friend in Rankin and he said a lot of farmers plowed up their corn. It's pretty bad here, but there are some places that got some rain and the corn is yielding good. I have some corn that I will start shelling this week, I think will shell maybe 140 and I have some more that may shell 20 just didn't get the rain in alot of places and have some blown down from the hurricane. I have some beans that might go 20 bu.(dried up) and have others that may go 50 or 60 but they are just now filling the pods and need a rain and they don't have any rain in sight. Good luck on the rest of your corn.


Gee whiz Galvanized buddy,why you planting early April in your neck of the woodsIJYou got some black dirt over there somewhereIJ


Very dry through growing eason in central Misouri. Shelled 40 acres of lG 2540 and it made 68 bu. and tested 13.5% moisture. Shelled 110 acres of lG 2586 and it made 78 bu. and tested 14% moisture. They were planted on April 4th and 5th.