Combines Shocking combine


I noticed the same frequent static discharge shocks on some of the STS this summer. Doesn't seem to occur on all combines, but definitely recurrs consistently on some other machines, no matter what you touched in the engine compartment.


You had better put a ground strap (chain) on that machine before you catch it on fire! Hope that will do the trick getting rid of the shocks. RD


Silver Blood: We encountered the same shock intermittently in the engine compartment of the 9660 we used for harvest this year. We, too, figured it was static electricity. We'd get a shock about every five seconds.


The plastic panels are painted with an electro-static procedure where you connect voltage to the panel and ground the spraygun. Using special paint with carbon in it, the paint doesn't want to stick to plastic so the paint has carbon (steel has carbon already) This procedure greatly reduces over-spray and paint that goes out the exhaust fan into the atmosphere.BUT--you get a panel that will have static build-up. If you could scratch through the top clear coat and get a bolt into the carbon (colored) part of the panel you could ground the carbon,stopping static build up, those rubber washers make things worse!