Combines Sieve Angle level Question


Is the combine fairly level front to backIJIf the chaffer runs down to the back you could have problems.I run a bar tire on the back of my R-62,and it is level,also a 2wd model.


It is fairly level (without putting a level on it) and I have 18.4_42 duals on the front and 16.9_24's on the back. I couldn't get over how much it leaned to the front with the 18.4_ 26's on the back! Thank You


Dave, I have a '97 R72(long sieves),with Trelleborgs on front and also axle risers on front. Without head, it is at least 3 inches higher in front than rear, and have had no problems adjusting shoe for good sample in corn and soybeans. Hope this helps.


There was a mod for the old N5s you dropped the front of the clean grain seive to give just a little air under it just to keep it clean. This made it give more air to the top seive and had less being thowen over the back. My point is that the level of the seive to the ground is not as important as to the fan devider. It is no defferent than combining up a hill.