Hey there DonA, the reason we get bigger yields in Europe is not due to our subsidies but to the climate and the soils, in Scotland we don't have to irrigate our Grain and we get yields of wheat near 10t_ha ( the world record for wheat yield was set in scotland) We also have a longer growing season and more daylight hours (especially in Scotland) which helps to increase the yields again. However we cannot double crop our land and have to use sound rotations to keep yields up. We need every tonne we can get at present prices. And by the way don't try and tell me that the Americans don't get subsidies, what about crop insurance and all the other bail outs that they get (If you are Canadian you are forgiven). I may be wrong about that but it would be good to hear from the horses mouth what payments you get from your "leaders". Also even with subsidies, high yields etc, most grain farmers can't make money anyway due to the high cost of land, fuel, machinery and labour. On the subject of combines we have two 460's coming this year so that we can cut our 3500 acres of grain and canola, I'm looking forward to them getting here. The 480's good as well though, 60t_hr in wheat last year on demo, however we need two combines so we went for the 460 instead.