Don't take the tank off yet. Try this-put air pressure in the tank with the fuel line disconnected at the fuel pump. IF the streamis restricted you won't get much fuel. Anyway their is an elbow in the steel fuel line coming from the tank that restricts the wad of chaff that the fuel pump is trying to suck up, but it can't get past the elbow. Blowing the fuel line backword may help for awhile, but will soon be restricted again.Hope this or the other suggstion helps. I have never had to take a tak off, but at last resort that may be necessary. Incidently, normally their is a screen hanging in the fuel tank filler hole to prevent the big pieces of chaff from getting in the tank. One of the teenagers helping me one summer left the cap off and there was no screen in there. It was 106 degrees for the two dayswe tried to get things cleaned out. It was so hot you you couldn't even touch your tools.Bood luck!