Combines Southwest Mo fescue seedIJ


Sparky, My dad and brother are swathing and most others have started swathing in the Aurora_Monett area. Up here at liberal where I live swathing is going on and I plan to cut some standing later this week. As far as the daisy fleabane goes, it's best to just prevent the promlem and spray for them. When you cut standing they also pose a moisture problem as well as making for an ugly seed sample. When white top gets swathed it dries out and you can eliminate most of the heads as they get blown out the back of the combine. I would think that putting screens on the walkers wouldn't help that much since most of the heads fall thru the concave. Again, I would say that prevention is the best cure for the white top problem. 95


Do you think there is a big crop of K-31 about to be harvested this year in MoIJ What are they quoting you for pricesIJ


Pennington buying station in Iantha (west of lamar) was quoting $.20 for dry, .18 for wet. They said there had been some cut at lockwood, but nothing around here.


Eric, Do you know if any seed is being bought in liberalIJ Going to try to cut some tonight 3 mi. north of there. Do you do business with BCI in lamarIJ 95


Dont know about buying seed in liberal. Yes, I do some buissness at BCI. Sounds like we're practically neighbors. Send me an email at