Combines special rotor STS


We learned several years ago, that installing rasp style bars on rotors (deeper tooth, upright leading edge) requires less HP, allows slower rotor speeds and among other advantages prevents seed damage by a large factor. We've modified rotors from NH, IH and Massey (about 100 altogether) according to this theory, and all operators have been very satisfied with results. We're in process of designing a setup for STS at present. The exlanation is rather long for this forum, but you can email for info if you'd like.


Do you work with Marv. GordenIJ I have already designed a system that i would be more then happy to let you review it to see if any part of it may help you out and aid in your designs. Patents Pending of course.


Marv Gorden and I are well acquainted and occasionally consult each other on various things. Yes, I'd be very interested in seeing what you've been doing, and would pass a couple of ideas back to you, as well. I'd also protect your patent as well as I could and would ask permission before I worked with it. I have some folks presently infringing on a patent on cylinders_rotors and it's more than a little irritating to have to spend the time to deal with that. Please email.