Combines Speed and settings on 9610 and 9650 STS


WEll Jak.... Our crops over here are probably similar to your's to harvest in general, and we would get 25 ton per hour in a crop that averaged 70 bushells when we would be pulling up to unload and 20% or more if we unload on the run,I think thats about all you could expect to get out of a 9610 with a 30 foot rigid, some say a lot more but I wonderIJIJ. All with the book settings with a bit more air than Deere says, but if the crop is full of foreign material, then you are going to try a different few settings. Hope this is a bit of a help....... BOSS 351


Are you seeing walker and rotor loss, or losing grain over the shoeIJ Or are you keeping grain in the machines and finding a dirty sample in the binIJ Are you seeing whitecapsIJ Which concave set are you using in the STSIJ