Yes with a rotary combine as much as half of the MOG going through the combine can end up on the shoe, so chaff spreading is important in most cases. I think your best bet would be to just buy a chaff spreader. Most of them are similar with one or two spinners driven by a hydraulic motor and powered by the reel drive circuit. Here is a link to Vittetoe. Another is Crary and I think there are a couple even made in Saskatchewan, like Kirby and another that escapes me. Redekop makes a chopper that processes both the chaff and straw, but they are a big spendy unit. REM used to make a pneumatic chaff spreader that used a pressure fan to spread the chaff, but the stopped making them. You can also lower your straw spreaders and make a tray to direct the chaff into the spreader. You should add the new cupped blades and speed up the spreader if you go that route.