Combines spring wheatanddurum settings 8680IJ


I have a C62 which is the same combine. I haven't had any problems with walker loss. In wheat I keep the chaffer (upper sieve) open at least 5_8 " and the lower sieve as closed as possible without putting too much thru the return. You will have to get someone else to drive while you monitor the returns. What size of head and what speed are you going IJ Also how heavy is the crop. The wheat I have been doing this year varies between 50 - 80 bu_acre


we are doing durum running about 40 bus._acre quite a bit of straw heads didnt fill completly. Have the fan set on 5 the concave on 2, cylinder on 850 if speed up more it crack to much.Going about 4mph with 30' rigid header.Have gen 2 sunnybrook cylinder should a person put in filler plates.Our case rotor is doing better job.


Have you actually gone in and checked the concave clearance IJ I adjusted mine at the beginning of the season and found it was way off. I'm running the standard cylinder with new chrome bars. It's doing a clean job but your conditions may be different. I've been told by one custom operator that my sample is much cleaner than both his NH and Case combines. All of the wheat I've been doing is hard red...sounds like you are doing mostly soft white so my settings may not work for you.


I was cutting soft white wheat that was shrunken some, I had to put extra filler plates in to do a good then I slow then I slowed rotor down to help on cracking on a MF 8570. The top was shrunk and bottom was filled good, got froze. It was hard to not get white caps. Good luck on harvest. Swtvid