Combines Standard Rotor in Tough ConditionsIJ


No, we've never had one. In fact, I've never even run one. I've been able to get a bunch of good information from Terry at St. John's welding. From what I understand, you can make the Standard Rotor work fine in just about all crops, but the trick is to make it work well without having to change any hardware when you switch crops. We are considering a set of cut-out bars to make the rotor more aggressive and mounting some sickle sections in the grates to cut up bean vines. I'm going to run one slotted grate in the front position and two keystocks in the rear. Right now I'm leaning toward smooth separator bars, but haven't decided for sure. What crops are you interested inIJ


The standard is okay in corn but you're in for a rude awaking in beans. Even with all the stuff you're putting in there you're fighting an uphill battle compared to the sp. rotor. My advice is to put all the stuff in. And then run the rotor as fast as you can without splitting too many beans and advance the vanes over the cage as much as you can, to get the trash out....and make sure you know where a spare rotor drive belt is.


Do you have experience with this kind of setupIJ Where are you locatedIJ How many straight bars do you run on the front of the std. rotor in beansIJ I was thinking that if we have trouble in green stem beans we could pull the straight bars out and probably get along ok, but I'm just guessing. Have you run the sickle sections in the gratesIJ


I run a sp. rotor now. Back when I ran a standard rotor they didn't have all the add-on's. If we had any moisture in the stems or green was slow going. And the more it roped the worse job we did at spreading the trash. Even with all the attachments, I would never go back to a standard rotor, there are times when we push to finish a field and you can't do that with a standard rotor.


In tough beans run the concave on 2 this will keep the concave clean with each pass of the rotor causes no roping and no piles out the back this workes in irragated beans in Western Kansas with the leaves still on the plant at 9% moisture on a standard rotor


We are used to running tight concave clearance with the Specialty rotor! Seems like we always have it way tighter than the book says. Which concaves and grates are you running in beansIJ Do you have the factory rotor barsIJ How many of the straight bars do you have on the front of the rotorIJ Thanks, Mike


Have you looked at the possibility of a used spec. rotorIJ Talking to local service mgr. the other day, and he indicated some people switching to AFX type rotors, and their trades worth around $1500.00 $Can. He did not have one at present but will this summer, so don't know the condition. Check with your local dealer.


I located a specialty rotor to put in it, but I was trying to get by without pulling the rotor out. If we pull the rotor, I'll probably go with a St. John's rasp rotor. I think it's the best on the market, even considering the AFX.


We mainly harvest soybeans, corn and a day or two of combining wheat. We run a sp. rotor with the Rochelle package on it. I believe the Rochelle package (a factory option) is important in corn to keep the corn from going thru too fast, maybe somebody else on here knows more about it. If you're staying with the standard rotor, I'm wondering if you'd share with us how much all the attachments you are thinking about adding will cost.